Call to Action
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is seeking input on Draft Amendment 7 to the fishery management plan for Atlantic striped bass. This update to the plan has multiple options under consideration which will guide striped bass management through future actions.
The public comment period on this action is open through April 15th, 2022.
Public comment ended on April 15th, 2022
Atlantic striped bass are overfished, meaning the population is below the goals set by the fishery. To develop a different approach to managing this fishery into the future, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) is seeking your input.
Draft Amendment 7 is open for public comment through April 15th, 2022.
The CCA Angler’s Guide to Draft Amendment 7 – March 2022 includes CCA’s preferred options and simplifies the 149 page management document, providing you a quick reference to each section.
The Angler’s Guide also provides background and information regarding what each option does, and some justification for CCA’s preference.
ASMFC staff have also developed a helpful Youtube Presentation on Draft Amendment 7
CCA’s preferred options are:
4.1 Management Triggers
Tier 1: Fishing Mortality (F) Triggers Sub Options: A1, B1, C1
Tier 2: Female Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) Management Triggers Sub-Options: A2, B1, C3
Tier 3: Recruitment Triggers – Sub Option: A2, B2
Tier 4: Deferred Management Action – Option: A, F
4.2.2 Measures to Address Recreational Release Mortality – Option: A, B2-a, D1
4.4.1 Recruitment Assumption for Rebuilding Calculation – Option: B
4.4.2 Rebuilding Plan Framework – Option: B
4.6.2 Management Program Equivalency – Option: B1-a, B1-c, C3, D1
Public Hearings/Webinars:
For more information on attending a webinar or in person hearing listed below, click here.
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