We engage in grass-roots, science based advocacy for the sustainable and wise use of Maryland’s marine resources.

The purpose of Coastal Conservation Association Maryland is to advise and educate the public on the conservation of our marine resources. The objective of CCA is to conserve, promote, and enhance the present and future availability of coastal resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public.

Along with our national, state, and local partners we work to promote a resource-first and science based natural resource management system. As anglers, we focus on what is best for recreational fishing and work to promote abundant and well managed fisheries.

Our Government Relations Committee of volunteers and staff works tirelessly on the many issues which face the angling community, and the status of the resources that we depend on. We work on behalf of our members, and always welcome volunteer members to help us shape our positions and actions to achieve our objectives.

2022 Legislature


Yellow Perch

Striped Bass

Water Quality

Save Man O War Shoal

Menhaden & Forage Fish

Three Opportunities to Learn More & Weigh In on Striped Bass Management 

Omega Protein Breaks the Rules in the Chesapeake Bay

CCA Angler’s Guide to ASMFC Atlantic Striped Bass Addendum VI

August 9th Newsletter : Striped Bass Management Update

ASMFC Moves to Reverse Downward Trend of Striped Bass

2019 Legislative Session